This week was just marvellous.
Not that I´ve finally finished my thesis (not at all :( )
but many meetings were done.
Monday I had a lunch with my
boyfriend and in night loooong call that made me happy.
Tuesdaymeeting at job, mostly no news, just to get in touch with new
funny Spanish lesson (finally I understand lyrics of A Dios le pido)
meeting with
Katkas and Rocco loco:) her new dog - civava
meeting with
classmates (haven´t seen them since December:) - it was really nice to hear that someone has the same problem and questions about thesis and final exams than me
coming home and at 00:20 moving the furniture in living room with my
brother :)
Wendsdaymeeting my
classmate from high school - haven't seen her from June 2007:)
Majka - really a nice person !! she has always different opinion then me and it doesn´t make me angry or stop our discussions. She told me very nice things, thank you for that Maji, and she said that she admires me... ME? whaaaw I don´t think that anyone ever said something like this to me. I should remind my friends to tell me nice things about me more often:)
Thursdaymeeting with
Katka and
Miska - having Kofola and go to aerobic lesson really tough one - we produced such much energy that the mirrors were roted (you know they had this fog on the surface:) or it was just bad air conditioned? :)
Fridaygoing to this event "Noc reklamožrútov"
where we could see more then 500 ads!! (yes it is more then 4 hours of watching)
but it was incredible. I really like funny advertisement. And those were funny. and intelligent. and impressive.
I was thinking that I will not be able to remember any of them (it´s like when you read 20 jokes at once, you don´t remember any) but I do.
second good thing no ads for girlish cosmetics and just 2 for washing powder :)
so the most were on alcohol, cars, even cigarettes (I don´t think I have ever seen a TV ad for cigarettes) and many on HIV/AIDS protection, for fasten belts in cars, deodorants, poverty in third world, children abuse etc.
I am thinking at the best one, really hard to choose I will mention like 3 of them (hope I will not break any copy right:)
deodorantman in plane putting his luggage in the top box (whatever it is above your head) at the moment he puts his arm up the oxygen mask fell down....
ooo really fun
Carsthere is just one brand that was branded as safest. (the sign of Mercedes came) voice: not this one
BMW (not even this one)
VW (nor this)
Peugeot (and this one not too)
... the "winner" was Renault
provocative hm ?
for flowers deliverymother cutting hair of her daughter but really really badly
it´s time to forgive her.
14 of may mothers days- send her flowers
ooo nice one
children abusekind of children birthday party, they are playing hide and seek. Girl is counting... ready or not I am going. For some children hide and seek is not a game.tough hm?
So pancakes ready, looking for next week.