piatok 27. marca 2009

NOM Congress 2009

NOM Congress
17. - 19.4.2009

Various amazing activities, workshops, talks, summary of 2009, planning
Meeting friends, fun, learning, feeling of belonging, SOBRIETY, changing the world!

Join us
´cause Sobriety is IN!

streda 25. marca 2009

EVS midterm

It was cool

to see Stockholm again,
to meet other volunteers,
to present our work, to talk till 3 a.m.,
to have fika every 1,5 hours,
to find out that I have very much common with a person I havent though I might have,
to discover yourself due to some strange outdoor activities

...some thoughts...

Why was I chosen for my EVS?

We want to integrate the XXX minority into the swedish society with creating activities only for XXX minority = not including Swedes at all..??...

I have a diseas... 3 years ago I didn´t think I will be able to live without my parents.. and now I am living in totaly strange country

How do I change the people and the environment around me? How am I changing?

You must make yourself happy

utorok 10. marca 2009

special place for the fridge magnets...

she left...

my friend...
after 2 years we spent together more days than we did during those 2 years
and it was awesome... common history, stories, humor, music taste (almost) new wounds and loves...

missing her very much !

thanks gabs :D

piatok 6. marca 2009

me, her and a new cap

facing my feellings, will and needs
facing past, myself, future and reality
with her and pair of needles in hands...

happy, safe, energy`s comming back...

streda 4. marca 2009

Eurovision in Slovakia

Since living in Sweden I got used to some things - snow, sweet bread, salty candies and Eurovision.
Slovakia is there !
For me Eurovision is cool, cause it brings the whole Europe (including Turkey) together! I even heard that the Balkan countries are supporting their neighbour´s singer.
I don´t like the fact that most people give points to their neighbouring countries not to the song their like, but thats the naive part of me :D
But the question is how can you compare two songs?
Is it about who had the best lyrics? Who sings higher/deeper? Who has the most beautiful dancer? How will I/you choose the best song?

The slovak winner is VERY nice song (Pociskova and Mikulcik) - slowly, beautifly. One can get shiver from that. BTW this is song is sung by 2 actors (a bit ironic, no?:)
But my favourite song is this one from Hudba z marsu - they included typical Slovak folk music, I always liked this combination :D

For me Eurovision is the international or at least European day of music! So lets enjoy it..together

Boy, R U tough enough? Prove it! Wear pink

Colors don´t have gender - pink is not only for girls, blue is not only for boys.
Let´s start the equality revolution - boys wear pink !

pondelok 2. marca 2009

let´s facebook reality

A chock can be only kicked off by another chock
old slovak saying, applied mostly on the love issues recently.
But how this chock (the new one) can handle it?
isn´t it too mean and harmfull for him/her?
shouldn´t s/he know that s/he has just this role in the life of the other?
wouldn´t it be easier to have next to your heart a status like you can have on facebook?
in relationship, too single... need a chock
wouldn´t it be fair towards others?

but life is not about being easy or fair...

nedeľa 1. marca 2009

sometimes things are not that difficult as they look like

i found this out on some of the trainings with fitball.
yesterday in TV there was 20 years old girl who used to drink beer everyday. Then she sing up for sme kind of reality show where after 5 weeks they will made her a Rumba dancer. And she has to stop drink beer for those 5 weeks.
For her an amazing act... for me reality, nothing tough.

yeah sometimes things are not that difficult as they look like