sobota 21. novembra 2009


Can The love be vanished by everyday problems?

How not to forget to celebrate the love everyday?

How to be satisfied even when you dont have everything you wanted?

štvrtok 22. októbra 2009

wrong way

When I used to play the Pc games where you have to drive a car I was very often going wrong way. Nowadays I have the feeling that my country is going this way and I am looking for a big sign saying “wrong way” that I could put in front of their faces.
Just two examples (I am not mentioning the economical “reforms”, the expected taxation level increasing or the next years state budget) that on the first glance not so significant situations but in my opinion dangerous in a principle:
1. In Slovakia you can buy bubble maker toy for boys and for girls... eeee why do we need to distinguish between sex/gender here??
2. In many countries (Balkan, Scandinavia) they don’t synchronize movies, series nothing. You can find it in the original language with subtitles. Perfect and cheap solution for people to learn language and for tourists too. (not ok for small children or for people who cant read or as my mother says for women who are cooking while listening TV). Not in Slovakia. We doubt everything (even from Czech) and we have the LAW that everything has to be in Slovak. Reason is to protect Slovak language...
(my ironic comments didnt go through here :D)

utorok 29. septembra 2009

Compliment or something like that

I met her yesterday after one year we havent seen each other.
She: "I almost didnt recognize you. You look so beautiful."
ehm :D

nedeľa 20. septembra 2009

Photomarathon 2009

Together with Lukas we took part at third Photomarathon in Bratislava and this is our contribution (unfortunately I didnt get the conditions right so I dont think we will win but stil we liked it :D all pictures you can see here

I just took one - my favourite called lucid dream :D

štvrtok 10. septembra 2009

Active is educating workers at Slovak post

I still hesitate if I should use the services of the ex "state" companies in Slovakia. I somehow still have feeling that I bother those people who are working there but on the other hand I usualy go there, because they are cheaper.
So I decided to send the new issue of the Transit via "old" Slovak Post. After the first experience I was somehow expecting that the miss working there will have some problems with the state Faroe Islands (but I can understand I also had it). So I went there and put an envelope in front of her.
She: I suggest to send it with First class otherwise it can take one month to ship it to Iceland
Me: Excuse me I want to send it to Faroe Islands not to Iceland
She: aha, sorry. So it will be uff 27 eur.
(just so you know, Slovak post has 3 country categories when it comes to prices- Czech republic, Europe and Other world and I somehow assumed that 27 euro is too much).
Me: Hm, sorry but Faroe islands are still in Europe.
She: Really? I never heard of it, then it is 13 euro.
Me (thinking, very ironicaly): ah that´s difference of "just"14 euro.

Why some people think that it is a shame to ask....

štvrtok 3. septembra 2009

statement from lifestyle magazine

.... everyone has the opportunity to change the world...

vivien westwood

pondelok 24. augusta 2009


There is a milion reason why I love Sweden.... but one in particular
I changed here... in a good way

thanks to everyone who made it possible...

sobota 22. augusta 2009

thoughts on the way to prekistolen

- Do not hurry to your goal you might miss something on the way. The way itself is important.
- the easier looking way might not be that easy in the end
- do not follow others even though they look like they know what they are doing
- the biggest stone isn´t necessary the most stabile
- the same way doesn´t mean the same experience
- the more tougher way to the goal, the more you appreciate the goal
- don´t let others to set your tempo
- sometimes the stone on your way have other purpose than to stop you

the taste of love

Q: What is the best thing on this vacation?
Him: In my opinion the best and most beautiful thing on this place is the crunchy bottom of my girlfriend :D


štvrtok 20. augusta 2009

my head - the Qstion maker...

You had certain experience and when your friends face the same situation you want to protect them. But is it really the same situation?
Is it neccesary for them to fall in order to find out?
But how can anyone be sure it will have the same pattern? and that s/he is right?
How to achieve equality in a relationship? When it is about big love and when about owning someone?
Can you have your own time and dont feel ditching on her/him?
How much support should one partner give to another?
What everything you can tolerate and accept?
Is there an equal attention to partners needs and wills all the time... or ...ever?
Can the partners rise while supporting the other partner?

lets see what Paoblo Coelho has to say to this :D

nedeľa 16. augusta 2009

thankfull...for a change :D

I am thankfull

Thankfull for my family that they are willing to carry my 14kg bag, be awake at 2 a.m. just to help me and my friends
I am thankfull to my friends who behave like I had never gone and miss me !
I am thankfull for my boss who gives me fewers to my wings and let me learn much more than I have expected.
I am thankfull to my bf for being tolerant - to my work, passion, moods and every side of myself.
I am thankfull for the tears of joy and sadness that went through my face.
I am thankfull for the wonderfull moments that I´ve gone through in the past year!

utorok 28. júla 2009


his fingers, smile and smell
the common minutes we spend
missing the part of me when we´re together

piatok 10. júla 2009

myself in Content matters

I contributed, finally.
After 3 month of the campaing I decided to send my story. Content matters campaing is cool it has the aim to show the other side of alcohol. I would never think that writing a story that i hide for such a long time in my heart can bring so much emotion and also lighteness.

I do believe everyone of us has something to say to this topic- so share!

Cause I believe that there is at least one person whom your contribution will help - at least yourself.

pondelok 6. júla 2009

Can youth contribute to "adult" topics?

Sometimes I ask myself this question too.
My first intention is to scream YES of course. Youth is the future. Youth is the hope.
But does youth have enough space in society, in every day life? Do we show them enough patience to learn and by that show us what are they capable to do?
Youth needs to want to participate in everyday life.
But then I start to hesitate - do they really want to? I worked with group of youth that consider themselves not educated/clever enough to have the right to vote. They are not interested in politics and they really believe they are JUST youth. I am hitting the bells and screaming WAKE UP! Adults, youth is the part of society - the inspirative and powerfull part.
For all those who dont believe I have a proof.
I took part on a conference - "Get to know your finances".
Conference where secondary schools girls and boys took part, contributes along with their teachers and professionals. They were talking about money, savings, how to solve the pensions funds. In the age of 17! That was amazing. And I can really tell that they know what they were talking about. And it prooved that definitely youth belongs to the society.
No one should ever question that.
just give wind to their wings and they will fly!

nedeľa 21. júna 2009

please follow my inspiration...

I wrote it already some times here how much I admire Kristinka. And once again she found her way to start my mind working. Her almost latest entry (read here). And she is right. Parent´s attitude towards alcohol is part of the attitude that their children are "building". By their children I also mean yours!
Parents should never offer alcohol to children. They should create alcohol free home for them. Think about it if you will next time offer alcohol to anyone. Think about how s/he can feel.
Later today her entry started very nice conversation with my sweetest boyfriend. And it lead to the question What is worse - alcohol or drugs. And there the moment happend. Eventhough I am in the sober movement for 8 years. The first intention for my was to answer drugs. But are they really? When an abstinent (former alcoholic) fought his/her addiction is it easy for him to re-join the society? Society with all the ads in TV, all the alcohol in shops and bars. All the alcohol on parties etc. etc. etc.?
So what is really more dangerous?
And off the topic I made fullkorn hallon pancakes at the end.

pondelok 1. júna 2009

...dream come true..?..

Few months ago my lovely kiksun had a question on her blog. What should u do when all your dreams come true? And now I am thinking about the same - what should I do when I found someone I was looking for?
someone who respects me, who turns his life up side down just to be with me and by that he managed to turn mine...
Someone who loves ME for my flaws (as Beyoncee is singing).
Someone who is helping me and forcing at the sametime to challange myslef and do things I was afraid to do.
Someone who is making me a better person because I wanna him to be proud of me.
Someone who is making me cry because I cant believe that I am having such him.
Someone who is everything I´ve ever wanted...and I mean everything..

Somene like him.. NO... exactly him.

sobota 30. mája 2009

I can come...that made me smile...

active participation....
words that are repeating in every application form:D
words that can discribed today.

My lovely organization -NOM made the second Beer buying campaign today. We went to shop for mystery buying u can call it - minors tried to buy alcohol... unfortunately they succed. 13 times out of 13 shops. Buying spirits withou any troubles... c r a z y...we have to stop it.

then we were just sitting around, chilling out..
Tibor, manager for CVC, came to chill out with us. He asked Patrik (partially working for them) if he wants to join tomorrows event. Yes I do.
And the magic of active participation happend. Mirko, 17 years, asked if u want to I can come too. I can come anytime I dont have to do anything else. Isnt it magic? In this times when u can watch hundrets of chanels on TV, surf the web, hang out with your family or friends and he decides to go and help to make a nice day for someone else.

I am prooud that I know such people
I am proud that such people still ARE!

Thumbs up for everyone who are making the change!

utorok 19. mája 2009

what made me laught

this picture... because of the memories and Sanjas eyes

the joke from the movie The Guru
... do you know any Indian who is famous in the "movie" industry?
...that guy from Simpsons...

and also my brother cause he is willing to help me...
the strategy not expecting anything from anyone really makes you very happy from time to time...

utorok 12. mája 2009

sun in sweden...

U know Sweden is a bit more north...
and the sunny hours are a bit different than those in Slovakia, I know this NOW

I didnt "use" the curtains last now I also know that 5:25 is already sun like it use to be at 8.00 a.m in my home country...

noted down :D

nedeľa 10. mája 2009

rain in Sweden

why does it always rain on me...

is it because i bike when it was raiiiiiiining... :D

streda 6. mája 2009

utorok 28. apríla 2009

Idea that made my day...

I was looking in to the windows to see what is new in the world - yeah I am talking about the endless source of information - internet now.
and i found this article.
And I am amazed how simple some things can be. They created "social shops" where the only buyers can be people with not sufficient incomes - students, retired people, mothers etc. They have to register in order get the "permission" to shop here (they have to prove thei low income). And the third condition is to spent maximum 30 euro per week.
A bit tricky thing is that the products sold here are delivered from supermarkets for free (this is still not the tricky part) adn the products are few days before expiration date or right after it - but they claim all the products are safe (I really wanna hope so).
So the super rich supermarkets send the damage, almost too old products to be sold to poor people. Both way sufficient!
And it really reminds me on the Active´s campaign Human rights for all, clothes for all - where the aim is to send the old promo T-Shirts to people in need - to orphans home etc.

Sometimes to help people IS not that expensive - do you have garden? do you REALLY eat all of the apples and potatoes that you grow? Don´t you think there are people in your environment who couldn´t afford to have this every day? Share!
I know it won´t pay their bills or learn them to read but they can use things you won´t!
Things you throw away can save their lives!

Don´t throw away - recycle - everything - food especially!

pondelok 27. apríla 2009

to je aka haluska?

I lost the bet, cause there was snow in Sarajevo during the Active seminar in the beginning of march. So I made halusky today. With the real bryndza.
And I tell you what! It is so cool to have friends who appreciate it!
thanks girls
very welcome next time too!

streda 22. apríla 2009

thank full...

I am thankfull..again... for my friends.
They are so amazing - young beautiful girls, smart, succesfull but still with their feet on the ground. They can laugh, share and help. I was sitting in fast food and was proud of them. Proud that they are my friends. You cant choose family but you can choose friends. And I am thankfull that the four of us are friends.
I am also very thankfull that they are looking forward to meet me and are sad that Iam leaving again.
I am thankfull.

I am also thankfull that I found him. I know it can be a bit boring to listen to someone in love talking but at least I am sharing my happines, so be prepared to read more:D. I am thankfull for all the words he´s giving me, for all the love I feel from him, for all the moments we share... but still afraid that it wont last...

nedeľa 5. apríla 2009


Spring is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Spring is in the air
Every sight and every sound

Spring in Orebro ... smelly...warm.. full of sun... and love

piatok 27. marca 2009

NOM Congress 2009

NOM Congress
17. - 19.4.2009

Various amazing activities, workshops, talks, summary of 2009, planning
Meeting friends, fun, learning, feeling of belonging, SOBRIETY, changing the world!

Join us
´cause Sobriety is IN!

streda 25. marca 2009

EVS midterm

It was cool

to see Stockholm again,
to meet other volunteers,
to present our work, to talk till 3 a.m.,
to have fika every 1,5 hours,
to find out that I have very much common with a person I havent though I might have,
to discover yourself due to some strange outdoor activities

...some thoughts...

Why was I chosen for my EVS?

We want to integrate the XXX minority into the swedish society with creating activities only for XXX minority = not including Swedes at all..??...

I have a diseas... 3 years ago I didn´t think I will be able to live without my parents.. and now I am living in totaly strange country

How do I change the people and the environment around me? How am I changing?

You must make yourself happy

utorok 10. marca 2009

special place for the fridge magnets...

she left...

my friend...
after 2 years we spent together more days than we did during those 2 years
and it was awesome... common history, stories, humor, music taste (almost) new wounds and loves...

missing her very much !

thanks gabs :D

piatok 6. marca 2009

me, her and a new cap

facing my feellings, will and needs
facing past, myself, future and reality
with her and pair of needles in hands...

happy, safe, energy`s comming back...

streda 4. marca 2009

Eurovision in Slovakia

Since living in Sweden I got used to some things - snow, sweet bread, salty candies and Eurovision.
Slovakia is there !
For me Eurovision is cool, cause it brings the whole Europe (including Turkey) together! I even heard that the Balkan countries are supporting their neighbour´s singer.
I don´t like the fact that most people give points to their neighbouring countries not to the song their like, but thats the naive part of me :D
But the question is how can you compare two songs?
Is it about who had the best lyrics? Who sings higher/deeper? Who has the most beautiful dancer? How will I/you choose the best song?

The slovak winner is VERY nice song (Pociskova and Mikulcik) - slowly, beautifly. One can get shiver from that. BTW this is song is sung by 2 actors (a bit ironic, no?:)
But my favourite song is this one from Hudba z marsu - they included typical Slovak folk music, I always liked this combination :D

For me Eurovision is the international or at least European day of music! So lets enjoy it..together

Boy, R U tough enough? Prove it! Wear pink

Colors don´t have gender - pink is not only for girls, blue is not only for boys.
Let´s start the equality revolution - boys wear pink !

pondelok 2. marca 2009

let´s facebook reality

A chock can be only kicked off by another chock
old slovak saying, applied mostly on the love issues recently.
But how this chock (the new one) can handle it?
isn´t it too mean and harmfull for him/her?
shouldn´t s/he know that s/he has just this role in the life of the other?
wouldn´t it be easier to have next to your heart a status like you can have on facebook?
in relationship, too single... need a chock
wouldn´t it be fair towards others?

but life is not about being easy or fair...

nedeľa 1. marca 2009

sometimes things are not that difficult as they look like

i found this out on some of the trainings with fitball.
yesterday in TV there was 20 years old girl who used to drink beer everyday. Then she sing up for sme kind of reality show where after 5 weeks they will made her a Rumba dancer. And she has to stop drink beer for those 5 weeks.
For her an amazing act... for me reality, nothing tough.

yeah sometimes things are not that difficult as they look like

sobota 21. februára 2009

outside the box...on my wall

its new
its big
its shiny
it reflects myself

and maybe it is magical and one can see the true face of him/herself

my new mirror
is outside the box, is on my wall....

streda 18. februára 2009

5 reasons why do you have to love Norwegians

- they can dance - the craziest and funniest dances u can´t think of
- they can speak english - all of them
- they don´t care what others think about their appearance
- open - mindness
- Juvente skolan - yeah it rocked my world. Over 100 youth - sober !
talking about future projects, enjoying youth from other end of Europe, having fun, perform just to share their skills, huging, cleaning and having disco...jumping having fun.. S O B E R (erdu), playing theater and give standing ovation, appretiate anything you do for them.... seeing that even 10 years age difference doesn´t mean a lack of understanding or having fun...
Yeah they rock - even though they eat a lot of bread and have cold... the cold ... the -16 cold

juvente - join them

štvrtok 5. februára 2009

a cork wanted...

you know that feelling when you come to the decision that it is finally over ( with him) and you deleted his name from your mobile/friend list/whatever.
and the next day you dont see his name in your list
and you feel this strange hole inside you..its big, black and empty...
and you try to to fill it with friends, sport, hobbies, tons of ice cream, new hair cut, movies, songs, new home...
and it works, the hole is getting a bit more full but still the final cork is missing

and by you I mean myself...

pondelok 26. januára 2009


I cleaned
my kitchen
desktop of my notebook

breathing till my lungs hurt

piatok 23. januára 2009


after 2 weeks of hinding in my apartment I manage to finish some-thing(s)
* move the shelf so I have space for my mirror
* get my bike repair
* check for svenskakursen
* attend aerobic class
* finish my first novel/first chapter

but still missing some-thing to be done....

nedeľa 11. januára 2009

for those who don´t believe one can make a change

There are people who dont believe one person can change the world. I do believe. And I do believe I am also changing least someones.
f.e. i showed this year to 2 girls ..two friends that they can spent new years eve without alcohol and have awensome fun.
f.e. being myself and doing what I am doing I am inspiration for someone how one can be active, (I dont know what would they say if they would know Kiksun).
f.e. and my sis almost made me cry when she said that becuase of us she is a better person that and she really helped 2 people what she wouldnt do before...
At that time i got the next best xmas present...
absolut cool new years eve !..............thx

Xmas 2008

Christmas should not be about present ... so they say.. but I do mostly looking forward to christmas because of the presents (given and gotten)... and food...and TV programms...and nuts..
This year it was special, I got nice presents, if Iwould not be afraid I would say the nicest.
I got camera so I can take pictures of my other presents
I got cup because the giver knew how I love it
I got place to put pictures in so I feel at home more like at home
I got CD and the nicest words which I can read whenever I need them again and again...
I got lights in the shape of teddy bears - na na na na nan an na :D

I also got many other presents ..appreciate them the same way!

and I also got the opportunity to prepare nice presents for my friends.
i could pack something I know someone likes in 4 different ways and I was absolutely proud about that.
and I also prepared calendar for my sis. To each weak I wrote nice quotations, jokes, things she should do, I even invented a small story about blue Erni...and at the end of the year there are some questions so she can evaluate the previous year... I am so proud!
..aha and Sis liked it ! :D