streda 18. februára 2009

5 reasons why do you have to love Norwegians

- they can dance - the craziest and funniest dances u can´t think of
- they can speak english - all of them
- they don´t care what others think about their appearance
- open - mindness
- Juvente skolan - yeah it rocked my world. Over 100 youth - sober !
talking about future projects, enjoying youth from other end of Europe, having fun, perform just to share their skills, huging, cleaning and having disco...jumping having fun.. S O B E R (erdu), playing theater and give standing ovation, appretiate anything you do for them.... seeing that even 10 years age difference doesn´t mean a lack of understanding or having fun...
Yeah they rock - even though they eat a lot of bread and have cold... the cold ... the -16 cold

juvente - join them

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