pondelok 26. januára 2009


I cleaned
my kitchen
desktop of my notebook

breathing till my lungs hurt

piatok 23. januára 2009


after 2 weeks of hinding in my apartment I manage to finish some-thing(s)
* move the shelf so I have space for my mirror
* get my bike repair
* check for svenskakursen
* attend aerobic class
* finish my first novel/first chapter

but still missing some-thing to be done....

nedeľa 11. januára 2009

for those who don´t believe one can make a change

There are people who dont believe one person can change the world. I do believe. And I do believe I am also changing world...at least someones.
f.e. i showed this year to 2 girls ..two friends that they can spent new years eve without alcohol and have awensome fun.
f.e. being myself and doing what I am doing I am inspiration for someone how one can be active, (I dont know what would they say if they would know Kiksun).
f.e. and my sis almost made me cry when she said that becuase of us she is a better person that and she really helped 2 people what she wouldnt do before...
At that time i got the next best xmas present...
absolut cool new years eve !..............thx

Xmas 2008

Christmas should not be about present ... so they say.. but I do mostly looking forward to christmas because of the presents (given and gotten)... and food...and TV programms...and nuts..
This year it was special, I got nice presents, if Iwould not be afraid I would say the nicest.
I got camera so I can take pictures of my other presents
I got cup because the giver knew how I love it
I got place to put pictures in so I feel at home more like at home
I got CD and the nicest words which I can read whenever I need them again and again...
I got lights in the shape of teddy bears - na na na na nan an na :D

I also got many other presents ..appreciate them the same way!

and I also got the opportunity to prepare nice presents for my friends.
i could pack something I know someone likes in 4 different ways and I was absolutely proud about that.
and I also prepared calendar for my sis. To each weak I wrote nice quotations, jokes, things she should do, I even invented a small story about blue Erni...and at the end of the year there are some questions so she can evaluate the previous year... I am so proud!
..aha and Sis liked it ! :D